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I work, I study, I play, I laugh, I sing out loud, I skip, I drink too much coffee, I love great food, I bake, I write, I try and be a good mum and wife, I sometimes do housework!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

.....and now for my take on Pablo Neruda's words....

LOST LOVE.....in a tribute to Pablo Neruda's "Love".

Because of you, in fields of canola grain bobbing in the breeze I yearn early scents of summer.

I have nigh forgotten your countenance, I can no longer remember your warm embrace; how did you feel entwined with me?

It is because of you, that I favour the flushing gold in open paddocks, they have no voice or sight.

I have all but forgotten your deep resonating voice; I have forgotten your soul eyes.

Like a flowered head to it’s seed, I am bound by distant memories of you. I live daily with the hurt of a long rooted pain; if you touch me now, you will do ir-reversible harm.

Your caresses hold me, like full blown crops reaching for the sky.

I have forgotten your lust, yet it seems I see reflections of you in every mirror.

Because of you, the strong odours of summer crops hurt me; because of you, I again seek out the pieces that breathe desire: brilliant night skies, cloudless moons.
Joining in here as I like to do...
TK xx


  1. that I favour the flushing gold in open paddocks, they have no voice or sight.

    oh wow tiffany. this is achingly beautiful. xo

  2. As we all said last night, beautiful poem Tiffany!

  3. Wow. Your imagery is so moving. I'm lost inside of these words "Like a flowered head to it’s seed, I am bound by distant memories of you. I live daily with the hurt of a long rooted pain; if you touch me now, you will do ir-reversible harm."


Thankyou for blessing me by stopping by my little blog - I always appreciate your comments TK xx