'If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want'
~Elbert Hubbard~
pop on over here and read this post by Mindy....rather thought provoking on inner beauty, being at peace and happy and content with what we have. I have a step daughter and one of my greatest concerns is that she grow up loving herself for being just her. My prayer is that she will understand God made her especially to be the girl and the woman she is to become. I have battled over the years, and who hasn't, with feeling I am ok, that I am beautiful enough, smart enough, clever enough, elegant enough for this world. I have had to slowly learn that truly if we have health and happiness in who we are, then these are prize jewels to be preciously guarded with our hearts and our minds.....and I am still learning!!!!
TK xx