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I work, I study, I play, I laugh, I sing out loud, I skip, I drink too much coffee, I love great food, I bake, I write, I try and be a good mum and wife, I sometimes do housework!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Musings...

I have been musing on
little things today
Can you guess what this is?

Yes that's right it is a little box....

Look what's inside the little box...

Thats right it is two little hearts.

You may be wondering what this means,
believe me when I tell you it is TRULY special...

Shaun & I were married some 20 months ago now
and despite our insistence as to no gifts, most people
just ignored us!!! We were truly blessed with many lovely & beautiful things.

One friend did something a little different....
She gave us this box
with two little hearts she had carved out of
the surfboard things on the beach...you know those long polystyrene things that
birds love to peck at with their beaks
she also put in a sweet little card

Why is this special?????.....

this dear friend had been VERY ill and we honestly didn't expect her
to be able to get out of hospital to share our day
she made this herself
she honoured us in doing this....
I love that it is unique, handmade & restored from something else
and to this day it is the most treasured of all our wedding gifts....
it sits in our bathroom & is looked upon daily by us reminding us of gorgeous & special memories.

Little things can have a HUGE impact...
Can you think of a little thing you have or can do that will have a big impact this week?

TK xx


  1. oh TK this is just beautiful. You are right, such simple, handmade beauty touches us so much more, and will be treasured always. Thank you for sharing a little bit of you.

  2. That is so very special! I think they are called Cuttle fish. Thanks also for the reminder of little things going a long way!


Thankyou for blessing me by stopping by my little blog - I always appreciate your comments TK xx